
Wednesday, 27 June 2018


Speech’s Huri 

Hi Kia ora maloela konichiwa and hello my name is Hurileigh and today I’ll be talking about Why do people dump rubbish? 

Why do people dump rubbish we should not do that? 

In New Zealand there is a ton of rubbish in the water. Heaps of sea animals think that the plastic bags are seaweed so they just eat it and die. That’s why we should band rubbish dumping. 

 People litter because they don’t care about public areas like the parks and the streets. The more people throw rubbish out the window or on the sidewalks the more rubbish is in the ocean. Littering is gross for the whole community. Cigarette butts are dangerous to soil and water. The cigarette butts contain harmful chemicals. That's why you should not dump rubbish.

In the ocean there is 5.25 trillion of plastic bag in the water and we need to stop it. Around the world there is 100,000 birds and turtles that die each year from eating the rubbish on the ground. There is only 5 countries that still dumps rubbish is India Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam ( I don’t know the other countries name). 60% of rubbish gets swept up on the Shaw. 

How does rubbish affect me? Where I live I see rubbish in the bushes, there is like 20% of rubbish lying on the side of the road. It’s like no one cares about papatuanuku. 

That’s the end of my talking to you.

Here is my video recorder of me specking.

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