
Monday, 18 February 2019

Ngāti Hine Ngatihine

Ngāti Hine : Hurileigh

Ko Ngati Hine nga kupu e rua, a ko te iwi mai i te Tai Tokerau. Ko Ngati Hine iwi te ingoa o Hineamaru. Ko te take i whakaarohia ai e te Pakeha ko Ngatihine nga kupu e rua e whakaaro ana he wahangu te reo, he mea ranei. E whakaaro ana te Pakeha e rua nga kupu a Ngati Hine, engari he kupu kotahi i roto i te reo Maori.

Ngati Hine is two words and it's iwi is from the north island. The Ngati Hine iwi got it's name from Hineamaru. The reason why pakeha think Ngati Hine is two words because they think the maori are dumb or something. Pakeha think that Ngati Hine is two words, but it's actually one word in maori.