
Wednesday, 27 September 2017

Voting 2017

Vote. This week we had to do a presantation about voting 2017

Kate Sheppeard

This term we had to do a researcher on Kate Sherrpeard.


Ramere 8 Tāperewai 17

Writing : Tikanga

-Assembly - Where How What
-Order of movement/Hongi
- Sitting
-Speaking / Singing

  1. Where to stand? At the gate
  2. How do we move to the house? Karanga
  3. What order do we move to the house and in the house? Boy’s at the front and Girl’s at the back.
  4. Hongi our Kaumatua / kuia? Yes
  5. Sitting. How do girls sit? With their legs closed. On the side
  6. How do we walk out the house when the Kaumatua is talking? Get down and walk out slowly.


Parihaka Last month we had to do a research about parihaka and the war.

Tuesday, 26 September 2017


I am learning to solve hard x problems by using a combination of x problems I already know
To be successful I will:

  • Show the correct grouping on the Happy Hundreds chart
  • Look for groupings I know the answer to easily such as 5x, 2x 1x or 3x
  • Make sure what I have done makes up the correct amount
I am learning to solve hard x problems by using a combination of x problems I already know To be successful I will: Show the correct grouping on the Happy Hundreds chart Look for groupings I know the answer to easily such as 5x, 2x 1x or 3x Make sure what I have done makes up the correct amount

My Statement

My Statement


Last week we had to be in different group for voting group's. I was in Kauri group.


Voting Kauri Team. VOTE FOR KAURI.

Monday, 4 September 2017

What Is The Difference


Date: 4 o Taperewai 2017, 4 of September 2017
By: Tumanako, Shilaine, Huri, AJ, Anthony.
The tangihanga is the enduring Maori ceremony to mourn the dead. The body lies on a marae and people come to pay their respects.
A kawemate is a process in Te Ao Maori to assist those that couldn't make it to the funeral to all come together, to grieve and to talk with others attempting to make sense of our tragic loss.
The tangihanga was held two weeks ago.
Sat 19 August (passed away)
Marae: Te Hurihi, Awarua. The whole school - Monday 21 August, Wednesday 23 funeral in Whangarei (staff)
The kawemate was held today school library today.
How? How did you feel?
         Very sad      
Very careful

Shilaine: My understanding through a kawemate was interesting for me because I didn't know what we were doing until nana Winnie explained how it's going to be done .

Huri: My experience through the kawemate was funny when Matua Ropata stood up and said his mihi. The end of his waiata was funny.

Tumanako: My experience through a kawemate was quite different for me, because I’ve never experienced one before. If I am ever in a marae and its a kawemate I will be sure to respect everyone in every way possible. I had a bad feeling when I heard that she had died, I didn’t believe anyone at first until Waihemonga told me. I was devastated and thought everyone was just making a joke but they weren't.