
Tuesday, 27 June 2017


Whaea Anouk's Korero. By Heaven Tumanako & Hurileigh

Lesson by Anouk. Thursday 8 June 2017
By Tumanako,Heaven & Hurileigh

  1. Why do we have compost?
Because it helps to improve in our garden and helps our plants grow more efficiently.
  1. How many food gets wasted a year?
  • 1.3 billion people waste their food each year.
  • 21 million bread loafs get thrown away each year.
  • Did you know that you don’t put a banana with the rest of your fruit because it will ripen the fruit faster.
  • Don’t put a onion and potato together or else the potato will get to soft.
  • Don’t burn your plastic bag because when a huge cloud of smoke comes up that is a deadly poison.
  • If you inhale that poison you will grow with that chemical and you will get sick at the same time as you grow.
  1. Why you shouldn’t bury your rubbish at home?
Because when you dig a hole in the ground and you through like nappies, cans, bottles, all of the liquid drips to the bottom of the hole and creates a toxic chemical called Leachate and then it soaks into the ground and then there is usually water pipes are under the ground and the the toxic liquid slowly drips into our water we drink.
  1. Compost recipe:
  • Browns + Greens + Air + water=Compost

    5.           Decomposers
                 When leaves fall of the tree the bugs like worms, spiders etc, eat the leafs and then they leaves they                      ate go back up into the tree and then in spring the leaves that the worms and spiders ate turn back into leaves and that is called nature's recycling system.

   6.             Types of compost.
  • Worm farm
  • Black bin
  • Japanese composter/Bokashi.

    7.             Did you know that worms had 5 hearts?
  • When it is summer keep your worm farm under a tree or in a nice shady place. Because worms don't like being too hot or too cold.
  • Worms like News paper, cardboard, Banana skins, fruit, manure, food scraps and more but don’t give a worm a glossy paper/ flyer, and don’t give a worm  colorful paper.
  • Also don’t give worms chilli, garlic, lemons, Dairy products, such as cheese, yogurt, cream, Leeks, and don’t put chicken with your compost because you can attract mice and maggots.
Image result for compost
She played a song about compost.

  1. 300.000 x 1000 per year.
  2. Nearly HALF of your rubbish is usually organic waste.
  3. Our rubbish gets buried in a landfill, This is a hole in the in the ground, so if we put our food in the bin this is where it ends up….
  4. When organic waste like food or plants starts to break down in the landfill a polluted liquid is produced call LEACHATE., this is often toxic.
  5. Organic waste in a landfill also produces methane gas. Methane is a greenhouse grass.
  6. We can compost anything if the can biodegrade - (rot), we call this Organic waste.
  7. Composting puts important nutrients back into the soil.
  8. Decomposer are animals that help kell the leaves.
  9. Carbons” browns” - dry stuff. No ground weeds.
ClitellumImage result for bump on a worm
We need a mix of dead leaves, manure, etc to Improve our Soil! A mix of dead leaves, manure, etc.) returns valuable (vitamins, minerals,  to the soil to help maintain soil quality and life-creating ability.
Organic waste in a landfill also produces methane gas. Methane gas
Before you throw something into the scraps check what you are throwing in first.
There are A LOT of things you can compost -- and not just fruit and veggie scraps.  Tea bags, newspaper, lint and more.
You can make composting easier by just throwing anything compost-safe into your bin.
Composting can clean contaminated soil.
Some nappies can be composted.  Broody Chick has invented nappies that are able to rot  and breakdown in a compost bin.
Composting puts important nutrients into the soil.
Over 60 percent of what we put in our landfills is organic waste, such as food scraps. Lawn chopping, and paper, why would you do that when you could recycle that and compost that.
Worm composting, or vermicomposting, can be done inside.

Bad composting ingredients

  • woody plant clippings
  • synthetic fabrics
  • food scraps
  • meat or bones
  • diseased plant material
  • soil pests
  • weeds with seeds on
  • oil
  • whole eggs
  • dairy products
Good composting ingredients
  • shredded paper (not shiny magazines though!)
  • cotton and wool materials
  • tea bags
  • old plants
  • dead leaves
  • tops of perennial weeds
  • Lawn chopping
  • eggshells

Te Srip

I was in this group to. Thank you. We had to write a skit about going to Whangarie for a whole day.
Te  Skit

Amira Charlee Kaya Wai: [Playing patter tennis]
Lloyd, Aj, Jonas: [They tell the girls the good news]

Lloyd, AJ, Jonas: Kia ora nga hoa, haere mai e koutou ma.

Amira :   Taihoa Lloyd, E panui puka puka ana matau
Wait Lloyd, we’re playing a game now

Charlee,Wai: Ae Taihoa
Yes Wait.

The girls finish reading their book and walk over to the boys

Kaya:   He aha to hiahia?
What do you want?

Lloyd:                                               E haere ana tatou ki Whangarei
                                                          We're going to Whangarei.

Wai                                                    Ae, a hair?
                                                          Yeah when?

Aj: E haere ana tatou a te ono o Hongongoi
We are going on the 6th of July

Charlee:                                           Hair  aha te take car haere tatou key Whangarei?
                                                         Why are we going to Whangarei
Aj: Na te mea ka toa  matou te whakataetae
Because we won the competition

Kaya:                                               E aha ana matou ki Whangarei?
            What are we doing in Whangarei?

Lloyd:                                               (As Lloyd speaks he is pointing to each of his fingers)
                                                          E haere ana tatou ki te puna wai  me te matakitaki ki nga
pikitia, me te kai  pizza, me te takaaro ki te waahi takaro.
A, ka mutu tena, ka hoki mai tatou ki te kainga.
We Are going to the Whangarei pools, the movies and having pizza in the park. Then we are going home.

Jonas: E matakitaki ana matou ki te aha i te whare pikitia?
Meaning: What are we watching at the movies

Amira: E matakitaki ana tatou te pikitia ko Te Pepi Pohe
Meaning: we are watching boss baby

Aj: Noku, ka mau atu ki nga kakahu hopu mau

Amira: Me haere tatou ki te kai.
Meaning:  Let’s eat some food guys
The boys and girls go and eat next to Hurileigh
Hurileigh :E aha ana tatou? (Hurileigh looks side to side at all of her friends)
Meaning: What are we doing.

Charlee:  E haere ana tatou ki Whangarei
We are all going to Whangarei.

Ae, na te mea kua toa ta matou tiima i te whakataetae.
Yes! Because our team are winners of the co\\ mpetition.

Kaya: E kore ano au e tatari mo te haere ki Whangarei.
           I can’t wait to go to Whangarei.
Everyone: MAURI ORA!

Our Solar System

Our Solar System


Matariki . Matariki is the Maori New Year

Return Of The Moa

Return of the Moa. We had to write facts about the Moa coming back in real life

Friday, 23 June 2017

Fraction Action

On Friday I had to create a visual reflection of something I learned in maths this week. I only had half an hour to complete it. I’ll chose to have mine about my fraction learning. I found the improper fraction a bit tricky.

Thursday, 22 June 2017

Tuesday, 13 June 2017

Problem Solving

This is my problem solving WALT: I am learning to share my thinking by using words, material and/or pictures. I am doing this so what I know can be used to help others. Also, what others know I can learn from too.                                  

Friday, 9 June 2017

Apple Sponge Pudding

Technology Week 8 . This week we made Apple Sponge Pudding. It was Delicious.  This was the last week of Technology 😞😞😞😞