
Friday, 19 May 2017

Problem Solving

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WALT use what we know to help us problem solve

Today I was given the above problem to solve. This is the thinking I used to solve this problem.
We think:  We think this bag has a little bit of blue and the rest has heaps of red.

By Tamaiti-Pani & Hurileigh


Thursday, 18 May 2017

Monday, 15 May 2017

Pre-assessment 2

Pre-assessment 2, Term 1 2017.
WALT: describe any given scene using te reo Maori sentence structures.

Activity: Look at this picture and describe what you see using te reo Maori.

Remember: To use our Maori dictionary and insert the macron over the long vowels.

Screen Shot 2017-04-03 at 4.04.39 pm.png

Toko hea nga ( how many ) 10
Toko hea nga whaere( how many house) 3
Toko hea nga raku( How many tree)6
Toko hea nga tamariki( how many kids)10
Toko hea nga Tama(How many boys)6

Technology Term 2 week 2

Technology Today we where trying to make a soup 




Term 1 Week 3

Kōrihi te manu
Takiri mai i te ata
Ka ao. Ka ao, ka awatea
Tihei (wa) mauri ora

Translate the above text

The birds singing
Breaking out in the morning
When world. The world day
Tihei (time) wellbeing


Tupou. I was using Tatou,Koutou and Ratou. I was using Tou at the end.😳

Taku mihi peapeha

Taku Mihi Peapeha

Ko te mea tuatahi me mihi ki tā tātou Matua-nui-i-te-Rangi.
Nāna te tīmatanga me te mutunga o ngā mea katoa.

Ka tu ahau ki te tautoko te kai himene me te kai karakia.
Tēnā kōurua …. rāua ko …..
Nāna nei i whakawātea te huarahi mō tēnei rā.
Nō reira tēna kōurua.

Ka huri ahau kia koutou, nō reira, nau mai, haere mai, hoki mai
Ki a koutou nga manuhiri, haere mai
Ki raro i ngā maunga o Tautoro me Tauānui.
Ko te roto, ko Kereru.
Ko te awa tere nei, ko Pūnākitere.
Ko te waka, ko Mahuhukiterangi.
Ko te marae, ko Te Riingi.
Ko ngā hapu ko Ngāti Rangi, me Ngāti Moerewa.
Nō reira haere mai whakatau mai ra

Ko ahau e tu atu nei

Te mihi tuawhā, ki te whare huihuinga (Te ruma akomanga) me te marae ki waho. Tēnā kōurua.

Ngā mihi ki ngā tini mate haere, haere, haere

Ka hoki mai kia mātou te hunga ora.
Tēnā koutou te taumata mo te rā nei.
Tēnā …… ….. mo te tautoko te mahi o mātou tupuna me te awhi ngā mokopuna o Rāhiri.

Tēnā koutou ngā māhita, ngā kaiawhina, ngā whānau, ngā mātua me ngā tamariki o te kura o Tautoro.

Tēnā koutou ngā manuhiri. E honore ana mātou ki te mihi atu ki a koutou ki to mātou kura. Ko mātou ngā tamariki e tiaki e manaaki.

Ko hikurangi te maunga
Ko Te raparapa te awa
Ko Matawaia te marae
Ko Miria te whare kia
Ko Te Rangimarie te whare
Ko Ngati hine te hapu
Ko Ngapuhi te iwi
Ko Ngatokimatawhaorua te waka
Ko Judy Rose raua ko waka toku matua
Ko Te Atawhai raua ko wally oku Tupuna
Ko Hurileigh ahua


Kupuhou, I was learning to translate the Pakeha words in to Maori.