
Monday 18 February 2019

Ngāti Hine Ngatihine

Ngāti Hine : Hurileigh

Ko Ngati Hine nga kupu e rua, a ko te iwi mai i te Tai Tokerau. Ko Ngati Hine iwi te ingoa o Hineamaru. Ko te take i whakaarohia ai e te Pakeha ko Ngatihine nga kupu e rua e whakaaro ana he wahangu te reo, he mea ranei. E whakaaro ana te Pakeha e rua nga kupu a Ngati Hine, engari he kupu kotahi i roto i te reo Maori.

Ngati Hine is two words and it's iwi is from the north island. The Ngati Hine iwi got it's name from Hineamaru. The reason why pakeha think Ngati Hine is two words because they think the maori are dumb or something. Pakeha think that Ngati Hine is two words, but it's actually one word in maori.

Wednesday 5 December 2018

Elf Your Self

Today we were learning about creative things with Whaea Tania. Today I made a elf yourself. It's so easy to use and it so funny.

Thursday 29 November 2018

Explantion Writing

How to decrease pest all around New Zealand? 
WALT: Use the correct structure for an explanation.

Pest is a growing thing for our country.. When pests and predators were introduced they took a serious toll on the survival native plants, birds and reptiles. Pests are a threat to the world and especially New Zealand.Pests such as possums, rats and stoats kill our Maori trees such as Totara trees,Kauri trees,Kowhai trees and Pohutukawa trees. Possums were first introduced in New Zealand from Australia in 1837 to establish a fur trade. Possums have thick tail and a thick body. Possums are a wide-range across most of New Zealand. The possums are on of the greatest threat to our natural environment.

Possums have a significant impact on many of New Zealand’s natural ecosystems. The growth and life-cycle of a tree or plant is significantly affected when all parts of it are eaten. Possums also have favourite food such as rātā or kamahi trees, leading to an even greater impact on these species. In 1993, possums were filmed eating kōkako bird eggs and that's why it’s a threat to New Zealand. They eat weta and our significant predictor of New Zealand land the Kauri Snail. Stoats and possums are eating kea.

The survival of the whole ecosystems is affected by the possum. D.O.C is one of the agency that manage possums.

So How can we decrease pest all around New Zealand.

One way to do that by using Cyanide and Lua. The lua is food and Cyanide is a poison liquid that kills the pest in seconds. So that’s one way for D.O.C to get rid of pest so we can have our native birds back in New Zealand.
A second way to decrease pest from NZ is using 1080 everywhere so it drops from a helicopter into the bush and kills the pest and some wild animals such as Wild Pigs and Wild Cows.
The final way to reduce pest is probably traps, traps can kill them and not make them run away before you get to them. Get the traps like the bear traps with claws. Traps are cool but the possums can run away if there tails get trap because it’s so easy to get away.

In conclusion pest are a threat to New Zealand and the whole world. Pest are going to be the biggest thing for our whole environment. Do we want pest to take over our forest and our land. No! It’s time to get rid of pest before it takes over the whole world. It’s time to kill all pest to the forest and get our native birds and trees back and growing for generation for the future.

Wednesday 28 November 2018

Summer Activity

Today we learnt about what this we liked to do in the summertime. This is mine and a friend work that we like to do in the summertime.

Wednesday 14 November 2018

Whanau Commenting

Whanau commenting is about your family using there phones to see your blog and comment on your work.

Today we learnt how to do a QR code so it can be a faster way to go on your blog.  It is so easy to get on some blogs if they got a QR code. Just get your phone and go on camera and show the the phone to the QR code and then you will see your blog. I hope yous do a QR code for your blog so your family can see your learning and  comment on your learnt too.

Te Reo Maori

Sunshine Classics